Monday, 2 April 2018

WhiTunes? Security? Cookies?

Last night there was another update to iTunes. 271 Mb! Let that sink in. That's a lot of data to update software which I basically want to use to rip CDs and play music. That should require 271 Mb. That's 27 times the space on my first ever computer with a hard drive and when I worked at  Yorkshire water we were running everything on a mainframe with 4 Mb of memory. My phone has 48 Gb but does a hell ove a lot.

But iTunes, basically when you want to peruse your own colleection it's slow and directs you to the store and more often than not can't find artwork when you rip a CD. In is so full of periphery it can't actually do what it's supposed to.

The trouble is you never know what the update is, which is why I included the Eddie Izzard video.

This is like the version of Microsoft Excel that had a hidden built in Flight Simulator. No woner it needed so many discs to install. Total bloatware.

Then we have things like OneDrive and Google that connect to "The Cloud" to continually back up your computer which means that your machine is much slower especially if your internet connection is not that fast.

And another thing , why are cookies used ofr security. Cookies are fine for transient information, I don't mind seeing ads for cake if I've been searching for cake, but when Facebook contially asks me to remember my password in tree places every time I log on , as well as asking me if it can send Facebook notifications to my desktop before blacking out my screen before logging on. Because I do things with web sites I always clear cookies and history to make sure I'm working with the latest version.

Why can't sites store these preferences with other things like your name?

One the one hand we're continually warned about security, next were being told to let browsers remember our passwords and even stay logged in for quicker access (that's PayPal)

Right rant over and time for work.